To Matt

Day 10: Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to…………………….

Dear Matt,

When I was living in Parkville, I got used to seeing you every day.  I loved that people were always just showing up over there, that’s one of the many reasons living there was so awesome.  I got to know you so much better, and I feel like we started a really good friendship.

I totally get the reasons you don’t want to come to my house, and I respect them.  I want you to know, however, that I miss seeing you.  I miss our lunches, and our nights out.  I miss hearing your stories, and telling you mine.  I love that you would ask me, in the beginning of every story I would tell, ” oh, God, is this gonna be more drama?”

I know that I am really, really bad at texting and calling.  I am not sure why I’m so bad at it, and I am sorry.  I am going to try to be better at it, because I think our friendship is worth the effort.

I still think of you every time I hear ” I Gotta Feeling” on the radio.  Paula and I still plan girls night, and know without question that you are included in those plans.  I hope you will always want to be.

We WILL talk soon!

Love you Long Time,


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